If you could truly be ready for a flood in your home, you would be better off when one occurs. You can make a checklist containing all the things that would become important and you could include all the dangers but when faced with the real thing, all you need to know is how to stay safe and how to keep your family or employees safe. So whatever you do, stay safe and call Restoration 1 Ellicott City right away to get the water out and prevent mold growth.
Staying safe and healthy is paramount!
Get to the electrical panel and get the power to the home shut off!
What are the dangers during a flood?
What steps can you safely take?
Depending on how deep the water is and what you see when you look around, there are things you can do to improve the situation in the short term. Remember, every move you make must be a safe move so think before you take any action.
Here are some of the things that are generally safe to do after a flood.
Get the water out before the first 24 hours after the flood to prevent any possibility of mold growth and if it was storm flooding, be aware of broken glass or critters that may have washed in. You do not want snakes in your home! Be careful!
Never turn on the television or any other electrical device and if you can do so safely, unplug all free-standing electrical devices and appliances such as lamps, toasters, blenders, televisions, or stereo’s.
Call Restoration 1 Ellicott City as soon as you can get to a phone. Don't let standing water turn to mold.
Remember, Focus on Safety! Keep your mind active and use your eyes to look around so you can spot a problem before it happens. Homes and offices are just buildings and can easily be replaced. Loving family members and employees are precious and must be kept safe at all times.